


  • I missed it about Jefferson......anyone
  • Letting go of our willful ignorance also includes throwing out the indulgent conceit of our learned helplessness. That's a lot more challenging than no TV or internet for a week.


  • But Milarepa came to regret his actions, and looked for help in shedding the bad karma he had acquired during his vengeful adolescence. He first attached himself to the Nyingmapa Lama Rongton, who, observing that Milarepa had a karmic connection to Marpa, sent him to learn with him. Marpa, being aware that Milarepa had first of all to purify himself from the negative karma he had accumulated, exposed him to an extremely hard apprenticeship. Among other trials, he had to build towers out of rocks to Marpa’s specifications with his bare hands, only to be ordered to tear them down again. 

  • edited August 2016
    Edit: Nothing, sry!
    Edit 2: Actually I have had to drink my own piss many times, because I have mocked the holy and good ones! (concerning Brian's Milarepa-message).
  • Cynthia and CB, you are missing the point, BS telling us who this person was in a past life is fun but not important, I don´t mind that he doesn´t tell us who Washington is today, it´s irrelevant. What I would like is to unferstand what is being said, its meaning. Anyway too much talk about this subject, BS comunicates as he wishes, if we don´t get it that´s our problem. Lets move on.
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