Master Massage Roma



  • Sorry if all this is toó boring.. Now that the reiki channel is working whenever it wants... Im getting obstacles in meditation... Creepy ones, not that i like them... If reiki is abandon me not a surprise others want.. I would have run away from me if i could...
  • "PLEASE, plaease, please! Just ONE person awakes and the entire planet will be saved. I cannot help, because I do not belong to this time period."
    @Brian: you can't help? Then what on Earth are you doing? I think you're helping. Also, are you suggesting we require another teacher as well, not just you for guidance? Good meditation masters are nearly impossible to find.

    And yes, I'm here again. After many months. I've been trying to live life normally, travelling, trying to sow wild oats because I'm 21. Useless. I've been a fool. Plus, I hate wild things. I like my piano and meditation. I feel corrupted.
  • So, David Icke and Eckhart Tolle by claiming to be awakened have abandoned all hope of enlightenment, while Shirley MacLaine claiming to be God has lost any hope of realizing Divinity? It's all pants! That's why the Antchrist will come wearing his underpants on his head?


  • Forgive me, im not enlightened... Im a stupid fool whos desperate.
  • edited July 2016
    You're right, it's all pants. It's all bullshit and it's terrible for ya. The worst part is that bullshit is recycled, regurgitated and carried around in the cycle of samsara forever. The average middle-aged woman will have heard of The Secret, and many people, like
    my mum, will fall for it. Yet, it might be important to note that many would never fall for something so inane, sappy and watered-down. It made me, when I was forced to see it at age 12, want to vomit into the nearest garbage bin.

    Even if the average Joe holds a list of strange and irrational beliefs, it might still be safe to bet they don't partake in channeling or anything of the like. The problem is the fact that we've all done channeling, Magick and a whole bunch of shit in past lives, and we allow ourselves to be manipulated beyond belief by these spirits in the "great" beyond. We stop thinking for ourselves. We stop using that simple function known as common sense.

    So my question is this; what makes you, Brian, think that one person reaching enlightenment out of the 7 and a half billion nutcases that live will make a difference? Has God decided to spare us if just ONE out of 7.5 billion changes? What about everyone else? They're all still quite fucked up.

    P.S. Since I've been off Prozac, I seem
    to have become more aggressive in my speech. I will apologize for my lack of social propriety, because a lady ought not act in such a manner, but at the same time I shall stand by my aggressive question.
  • And when we stop thinking and allowing our lower functions to take over, this happens:
    I have to use music as an example because music is my field. When did we stop using our brains so much that we are incapable of producing music that thousands of people will enjoy with structural harmony? Why does "popular" music have to be frayed with people who NEVER put in the hours of work an actual musician puts in?
    I have usually seen memes about a guy named Drake and a song called "You used to call me on my cellphone". I had never heard it until I went to Lake Louise with my parents a couple of months back. I heard it in a shop. It was auto-tuned to the extreme, I bet you Drake can't sing at all. The composition was vile, passages that any mediocre student could compose better and there were no instruments. There was no mental exercise. Composing is a mental exercise, a puzzle, like Sudoku. It's all about making everything work within the rules of harmony, blah blah blah.
    This man, Drake, and the people behind him make millions of dollars. But what they produce is so vile and devoid of thought that I can't even make effible how distraught I am when this comes to indicate how downhill we have gone.

    At least 2-300 years ago people created art and music (that changes people's perspectives, view of the world and the like) that meants something, that was produced with an incredible amount of mental strain and through a lifetime of work. It was about discipline, intelligence and the like. Yes, Chopin failed at life, but he could actually produce something amazing.
    But this. We have become MORE corrupted (I beg to argue) and brainwashed than in the past. It's vile.
  • We have become slobs like Jabba the Hut.
  • seems the dali lama will meet and sit with they truly talk, it was clear Hillary just starred into his eyes for a photo op

    but lady gaga and the rest.....? do they do work or is it the same.........?

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