Satan's Home

edited March 2019 in Mystery
Lucifer currently lives in L.A. This is, indeed, confirmed by the Akashic Records.



  • Who is the Lucifer that lives in LA? 

  • edited March 2016
    Willful ignorance is truly THAT blind? If I told you, you would be so disappointed because the answer is SO obvious.
  • Meh. At this point, what on Earth could we learn from knowing who his current incarnation is? At the end of the day... maybe we can use this as an exercise.

    Alright, on your marks, get out your pendulums, GO! And the answer doesn't mater as much as what we can glean from the possible matches.
  • It's a universal marker. Either you know it or you don't. Dowsing shouldn't be used as an exercise in willful ignorance. Dowsing can be conducted using a pendulum, but "divining" requires something extra.

  • The trick is mastering the pendulum, BEFORE it masters you.

  • The subconscious is the realm of false equivalence, signs and symbols. If the student proves unworthy, deprogramming and access to states of mind beyond thought are recommended. The Collective Unconscious IS a limited prison - even with so-called "unlimited" imagination.

    Psychologists and psychiatrists use the term "unconscious" in traditional practices, where metaphysical and New Age literature, often use the term subconscious. It should not, however, be inferred that the concept of the unconscious and the New Age concept of the subconscious are precisely equivalent, even though they both warrant consideration of mental processes of the brain. Psychologists and psychiatrists take a much more limited view of the capabilities of the unconscious than are represented by New Age depiction of the subconscious. There are a number of methods in use in the contemporary New Age and paranormal communities that affect the latter:

    Binaural beats
    History of hypnosis
    Subliminal message

  • edited March 2016
    Spiritual blindness is the natural state of nowadays mankind, it´s my state, perhaps not completely but nearby. It´s not obvious at all for me who Lucifer actual incarnation is and i would not be disapointed at all if you told us, the other´s in this forum also don´t know who he is. It would be a tasty information, a treat you would give us, as your pets. 
  • edited March 2016
    So then the exercise is a bad idea? Got it. Didn't try anything: wrote that and fell asleep.
    @paulojose I hate to sound like an absolute bitch. I am kind of a bitchy little female... but we should get to that point on our own through practise and work? Like a stepping stone? Having something handed to us isn't such a great idea. Especially in this realm of study. I mean, it's totally up to Brian. Maybe I'm not understanding.
  • To know or not to know who the LA lucifer is, simple. BS is not going to tell us, Cynthia.
  • edited March 2016
    I think he is(lucifer) near or has something to do with shirley maclaine
  • Never heard that name before.
    Like seeing Santa Claus, huh? What's Santa an anagram of?
  • Update: she's a moron. Never mind. Too dumb. So dumb I wonder if she's faking being that dumb or if it's some split personality or what.
  • Spewing New Age doctrine without much critical thought. Interesting. A cute little Barbie puppet. And thus I shall divert our attention outside of Los Angeles, the humble abode of the spirit of Satan and unto these videos.

  • Yes, obviously a puppet. And then you wonder, not about that lifeless piece of cloth but about the puppetmaster.
  • Who is technically supposed to be who we are discussing? But why use cute females who want to be dolls? Is it symbolic? Doll=nothing inside and easy to play around with? Why are these people so impressionable and easy to use and sway? What does that say about all of us?
  • ...disconcerting to say I personally know a few of these people...

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